Aug 15, 2013

lauren + kayla

Lauren and Kayla are some of the best people, friends, and sisters ever. Kayla is moving out and going to college soon, so a photo shoot was definitely in order.:) Kayla just turned nineteen yesterday, and she is so sweet. She loves fashion, Tangled, and children.
Lauren is like my big sister. She loves cupcakes and the little things in life. Do not let her tell you different-she is very crafty and creative.:)
And a couple in black and white...
Quality wise, these are not my favorite photos ever, but they were so fun to take. Our shoot was literally just a few minutes long, because their dad called and said we needed to go inside. A prisoner had escaped and was in the area. Thank you for letting me take your pictures, ladies. Kayla, best luck to you as you into college! 


  1. What pretty girls! And great pictures.

  2. Aw, these are cute, Brooke. Nice job. :)

  3. These are fabulous, Brooke. You did an awesome job and the fun you all had really shines through the photographs. You couldn't ask for anything better. :)


Sweet words make my heart sing.♥